Committee Members, Journalists, Lobbyists: 15 EUR

Ranking Members: 0 EUR

Observers: 20 EUR

These Fees cover your registration costs only. You can get meals in restaurants near the venue, where we can take you together with other participants during the breaks indicated in our Schedule.
We can also help you arrange cheaper Prague Public Transport Tickets valid for the main Conference days (Fri - Sun).

To support the local model conference and debate community, we offer lower Fees for Czech Participants:

100 CZK (Committee Members, Journalists, Lobbyists) / 0 CZK (Ranking Members) / 200 CZK (Observers)

(Register via the Official Registration Form below and state 'Czech Republic' in the 'Country' field)


Official Registration Deadline: October 2019


PMC'19 Official Registration Form

PMC is open to a wide range of participants - from high school students to university alumni.

You must be over 18 years old at the time of travel to the Conference in order to register individually.

Otherwise, you must come in a Delegation under a Delegation Leader who is over 18 years old (the Delegation Leader has to register first).

Always, the same Registration Form (above) is used - you only have to select the appropriate registration option (Individual Participant - Delegation Leader - Delegation Participant - Observer) at the top of the Form.

Delegation Leaders may register Delegation Participants one by one or allow them to register separately on their own. This also makes it very easy to add new Delegation Participants to already registered Delegations.

Your registration will be confirmed in 2 days, your Committee & Role allocation in 2 weeks.

We want to ensure participants are allocated positions according to their priorities in the largest possible extent. The sooner you apply, the more likely you are to get your first choice.

We advise you make binding travel or accommodation arrangements only after your registration is fully confirmed.

Please email us with any questions.

See you in Prague!